Tag Archives: WIP

First Official Amigurumi Doll!


I wanted to make a little updated about my first official amigurumi doll that I’m currently making as a commission for a friend. It’s coming along really well so far. I’ve made the body and the limbs. I’ve stuffed them too. I’ll be making the ears, nose, putting on the eyes and assembling the bunny soon. I should have it done by this weekend! I can’t wait to take pictures and show you all. 😀

If you’re currently working on an amigurumi project I would love to see it! ❤

2014 Crochet Mood Blanket: Week 16 Square!



2014 Crochet Mood Blanket;

 Week 16 Square:

I’ve been feeling excited this week, so I chose bright orange as my color. I need to step up my square game though. XD I know my squares have been pretty boring lately.