Tag Archives: WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday!


ImageImageImageSorry these photos are a day late. I couldn’t log on to WordPress last night for whatever reason!

March 2014 –

I’m working on this block stitch afghan right now! It’s really colorful and fun. It will be for sale in my Etsy shop when it’s finished. 🙂

WIP Wednesday!




Feb 2014 – One of my current WIPS

I saw a post on Tumblr where a user is making a similar project, the only difference is they are using a cream colored yarn. So I was inspired to show my current WIP. This afghan will be in my Etsy shop as soon as it’s done. 🙂

WIP Wednesday :)



WIP Wednesday!!

Jan 2014 – Another WIP I have going right now. I’ve had these squares sitting around for a while. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to join them or what color I wanted to join them with. I finally decided on this color for the join & I winged the joining. It’s a little bit of a hot mess in these pictures. But it’s actually really pretty! This afghan will be for sale in my Etsy shop once finished!!

If you want to see more of my WIPS each week, head over to Facebook! I made a WIP album on Crochet Me Lovely’s Facebook page that will have all the pictures from each week. 🙂


Crochet News: Upcoming Projects/Current Projects. :)


Oh my!

I’m going to be busy for the next couple of months. I went yarn shopping recently and started 4 new afghans! Then I picked up a WIP I had lying around and started finishing that one. XD After these afghans (which will ALL be for sale in my Etsy shop) I have several other projects planned. 🙂

So please excuse me for a while, while I’m super busy with these projects. 😀 I’ll be posting different pictures of the afghans on WIP Wednesdays. The one for last week was the Chevron Afghan, which I accidentally posted on Friday. XD Anyway, I hope you all like these blankets and have fun seeing the pictures each week until they are complete!!